Having fallen down into the rubbish from the guardianship, the splendor of The One True God, Satan had little place to go but to fall into the destruction of God’s created beings.

Having been created, having, been verified by the mouth of God as having been created [ after the perfect pattern ] , Satan was left to simmer in the caldron of his own bitter juices.

Mankind, having also fallen, has been given a “way out” through the salvation 0f our precious Jesus Christ.


Is it wrong for a human being to desire living a life filled with sensationalism?

Many believe God desires the sensationally fulfilling to be rich and gives us the ability to develop or find our gifts to be in the sensational realm. As a believer, I believe the same to be true. However, do we know how long that first perfect lovers’ kiss will endure the test of time? Do we know how long that perfect automobile we have chosen for ourselves will continue to amaze us? Do we know how these and so many other things will be strong enough to keep us happy and full of real joy?

In our design and creation as human beings, could God truly have put a hole that only he can fulfill. And is it quite possibly that he put the desire for simple things in us to be the best sensationalism ever desired? I know this is ringing true in my life. The simplest things bring me the purest happiness.

Further, short-lived Hollywood sensationalism is the most revolting kind of sensationalism, in my opinion. Politics used to have a small measure of stisfying sensationalism. Greedy people have come alone and ruined Washington DC for everyone. Frankie The Earthman.

Moses! Moses!


I’d love to change the world but I don’t know what to do.

Everywhere is freaks and hairies, Dykes and fairies. Tell me, where is sanity?

I’d love to change the world but I don’t know what to do.
So I’ll leave it up to you. Tax the rich, feed the poor, till there aint no rich no more.

People keep on breeding, nation bleeding, still more feeding, economy. Life is funny, skies are sunny, bees make honey, who needs money? No, not poor me.

I’d love to change the world, but I don’t know what to do, so I‘ll leave it up to you.

World pollution, there’s no solution, institution, electrician,
Just black and white, rich ard pour, them and us, stop the war.

I’d love to change the world, but I don’t know what to do, so I’ll leave it up to you. Song by the band Ten Years After – I’love to change the world. Photo by Frankie The Earthman.

I love the most excellent guitar riff in this song, running with the lead singers voice.

We all would love to change the world. Well, I would love to hear your plan”… John Lennon… Why can’t we leave ‘beautiful’ alone?


Origins from antiquity. Knowing the ancient past helps us understand these modern days. Understanding that when God makes a covenant with a people or a person, he sticks with it, whether we do or not.

God says that his people perish because of ignorance. Most Americans and a lot of the world’s population do not know the stories of antiquity because they do not care to know. Most modern day folk are happy living in their instinct ratification world. The past has nothing to do with the future according to them. Well I am here to tell you the past has everything to do with the future. Study descriptors if you care to take the greatest adventure of your life ever.

For instance: God made a covenant with Abraham and Sarah. God’s blessing, including land, was made to Isaac and Jacob.

Sarah became impatient. She was tired of waiting on Gods promises. She convinced Abraham to “go into” Hagar and have a child, so he did. The child was named Ishmael. Scripture would call Ishmael the “son of disobedience”, the disobedience of Abraham Sarah (Sarai) and Hagar.

So please make this your baseline for beginning to think about the palestinians’ situation. Please consider these facts of antiquity as you think about the palestinians desiring a two state situation in the Middle East.

Yes, Abraham is the father of the Arabs and the Jews. But the blessing went to the Jews, Isaac’s offspring.

The word “Palestine or palestinian” is a modern day word or designation for a people. The palestinians are no more than the ancient philistine people. They have no rights concerning ancient blessings for Israel, Isaac, and Jacob ( Gaza and West Bank). The real desire of the palestinian people is a known philosophy, ideology and fact. The palestinians not only want a two state situation, but they want to completely “drive the Jews into the sea.” They want to utterly destroy them. So don’t be fooled by modern-day events. Study this, it is critical to understand what is taking place now. Written entirely by Frankie The Earthman.

Real wisdom.


It might also be asked this way: What really happened at the Tower of Babel, and why has there been no peace the world? Why will there be no piece until the end of this age?

Genesis 11: 1-9. Paraphrased, The people wanted to make a name for themselves, and build something ( reaching up to heaven) less they be scattered over all the Earth.

Look closely: Because of the evil of the generation and their disobedience to God, God judged them. Judgment fell in confusing their languages and his disinherentance of all nations except Israel. He then placed arch angels over every nation to rule them. Study to find out on your own why they failed.

Look closely at Psalm 82. God [elohim] stands in the divine assembly: he administers judgment in the midst of the gods. Notice the word elohim” occurs twice in the verse. There it was plain as day: The God of the Old Testament was a part of an assembly — a pantheon — of other gods (little g.) These are the beings assigned to the “disinherited nations”, in Psalm 82, God had gathered them together to chastise them for their failure in ruling the nation’s. Israel was (G) od’s only portion. Friends, this is not Greek mythology. It is a correct interpretation of the ancient Hebrew. So, the wars came about and will continue until the Second Coming of Christ. Frankie The Earthman.

Ref: The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser for further studies. I hope this helps everyone understand why Israel is so hated. They are God’s chosen. His choosing them is a bit of a mystery. Like a lot of things we will not fully understand until we get to the other side.

A must-read.


In the following, we will find a decent explanation for the difference between Christians, Muslims and any other Do it yourself get to heaven rule obeying religions.”

In understanding the mind and requirements of God for salvation, we must ask some basic questions. A big question is, if ‘do it yourself’ religions work and are accepted by God, why did God allow his son to die a horrific sacrofficial death on a cross?

We have to go back to the creation of man and the garden of Eden and the rules that were set by God at that time. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a God of order and life, and not of chaos and death. In deep study, you will find that God intended for the whole world to be Eden like, kind of a “as it is in heaven let it be on earth.” Well, we all know what happened. Men failed to reflect Gods image correctly.

Back in the garden mankind is main problem was that we were disobedient and received a sentence of death. God prepared a way to overcome this. Scriptures say that there can not be no remission of sins without the shedding of blood. Life is in the blood, so this makes perfect sense. One must study the ancient Hebrew practice of “temple animal sacrifice” to understand that Christ was the ultimate sacrifice.

Christ proved to be God through his preexistence, his speaking the world into existence, his coming into his own creation and dying for the created beings that he loved, then rising again from the dead and bein the “first fruits of resurrection.” When you have a first fruits, this means there is a harvest to come. Those that believe in Christ are the harvest. There you have it, The Christian faith is a walk of believing what can’t be seen. Also ,it is not a blind faith.

Look at the biblical and historical record of Christ, there is nothing in literature or persons quite like it in approaching authority and accuracy. Written entirely by Frankie The Earthman.


Capital punishment is killing legally. Murder is taking a person’s life illegally.

Can it be rightly said that a soldier’s killing of an enemy soldier is thethe same as one person murdering another in the streets of our cities. No, it can not.

The Scriptures are full of God’s righteous indignation in killing. Wars are filled with man’s blood thirsty nature, This ‘nature’ is mostly fulfilled through murdering.

There are good people in two different schools of thought. Many are taught and believe that mankind is inherently good and inclined towards good. There are also those who believe that mankind, because of the fallen state” are born inclined towards evil. I believe in the latter. Written by Frankie The Earthman. So, metaphorically, what shall we say, is job Biden and his administration, killing or murdering the United States?



Generally in America today, if you are an ‘advocate of Western civilization’, you are viewed as pure evil. Many in our governments, institutions, universities, businesses, and virtually all of our culture will not be happy until we are controlled by the elite 2% and 98% are wearing our brown Mao uniforms with our assigned numbers. HAVE WE LEARNED OR CARE ANYTHING ABOUT WW2 amongst other world events and history. Note: THE TRIBULATION TABLE IS SET. For America, the Democrat party is Satan’s tool. If you aren’t aware of or don’t believe this, I couldn’t care less and feel sorry for you. Written by Frankie The Earthman.

Great read.


Toe snatcher, toe snatcher snatch me a toe, snatch me piano fingers and a fine pointed nose

Toe snatcher, toe snatcher before anyone can go, they surely must have a beautiful set of toes.

Toe snatcher, toe snatcher, let me once more, take my departing toe on walks by sandy shores

Toe snatcher, toe snatcher, God gave us ten toes, but living with only nine is not the worst way life could go. Frankie The Earthman.

Thinking of Ari’el, Mizuho, and Lauren.

This post written several hours before my surgery. December 10th, 2024.

I’ll pick you up in heaven.